Great news!!! Yours truly was selected to present at this year's Great Lakes Excellence Software Conference to be held November 7th and 8th in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I will be presenting on the topic of Classicist or Mockist Test Driven Developer - a continuation / explanation of my original blog post of the same name.
Although I have spoken many times at different local user groups, this will be the first time that I have submitted and been selected to speak at a conference. I have found the whole experience to be quite rewarding thus far - submitting the talk to the council, receiving the acceptance letter /email, and preparing for the presentation.
In addition to being excited about speaking at the conference, I am also excited about meeting and networking with so many wonderful technology professionals. Some of the people you may recognize that are going to be at this event include Bob Martin, of Object Mentor and Chad Fowler the Ruby Maestro. Chad Fowler wrote a very interesting book titled My Job Went to India: 52 Ways to Save Your Job. I have not had a chance to pick up my copy yet, but I did get a chance to listen to a podcast where he was interviewed about his book, and was very impressed with his thoughts and ideas.
I hope that you are all able to go to the conference. I am sure that it will be a great time.